Ukraine Berliner-Aktion
Due to the terrible events at the beginning of 2022, we decided to create a donation Berliner called “Ukraine Berliner”. The Berliner cost 1.50€, of which 1€ each was donated to “Aktion Deutschland Hilft”. This raised a total of 19,054€, which we increased to 20,000€ and donated.

Donations for the victims of the flood disaster in our region
The events of July 2021 shocked us as well. On the first night of the flood disaster, we therefore already delivered baked goods free of charge to the THW and the fire department. We were then able to regularly support the helpers in the affected region with free baked goods. We doubled the money collected from a fundraising campaign by our customers in the amount of 8,500€. The 17,000€ raised in this way benefited two families in Stolberg and Eschweiler who had been seriously affected.
Butter Poschweck for the benefit of the Hospice Foundation Aachen Region 2015-today
At Easter 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021 we sold butter Poschweck with the active support of the member of the German Bundestag, Ulla Schmidt, and donated 1,- € per Poschweck to the Hospizstiftung Region Aachen. In this way, 17,000€ has been collected over the years. In 2022, we continued the Poschweck fundraiser, however, at the request of the Hospice Foundation, the 3,000€ collected was donated to Amnesty International for the benefit of Ukrainian refugees.

Donation coins of the “Franziska-Schervier-Stube
For many decades, Nobis Printen has supported the Franziska-Schervier-Stube with bread donations for the daily breakfast for people in need. With the donation coin you can help too! Give the coin to someone and donate a breakfast. Donation coins are available at Nobis bakeries and cafes in the city center.
For more info please visit
10.000 € for the children in South Sudan
In December 2017, we supported a fundraising campaign by the “Aachener Zeitung” and “Aachener Nachrichten” against the hunger in Africa.
Our customers donated 0.40€ to Unicef for each wholemeal spelt bread sold. We increased this donation to 1,- €. Thus, by the end of last year, 10,000€ had been raised for hunger-stricken children in South Sudan.

6.000 € for the nature experience workshop of the BUND
You can get our tote bags for only 20 cents each. Since 2016, our customers have also been able to collect stamps as an alternative to the usual carrier bags when they used our Fairtrade organic cotton bag for their purchases. For every full stamp card we donated 1,- € to the BUND.
In November 2016, we handed over the collected amount of 6.000,-€ to the nature experience workshop for children of the BUND district group Aachen.
Donation for the mobile “Das Da” children’s theater
The “DAS DA” Kindertheater has been touring the region’s kindergartens, daycare centers and schools for 25 years now, sometimes giving more than 300 performances per season for around 30,000 children and young people. To ensure that this continues to be possible, we support the Children’s Theater with €4,300 for performances at the Rokoko Family Center, the Montessori Children’s House, the Talbotstraße, Wiesental and Scheibenstraße daycare centers, the Stolberger Straße kindergarten and the Feldstraße elementary school.

Project ” Wir starten gleich – Kein Kind ohne Schulranzen” (“We start right away – No child without a school bag”)
Together with the Rotary Club Aachen-Land, we support the project “Wir starten gleich – Kein Kind ohne Schulranzen” (We start the same – no child without a school bag) so that first graders from financially disadvantaged families start school on an equal basis.
This is a project of the Tatort Association:
Buying a school bag for a first grader’s first day at school is a costly business. More and more families cannot afford this. Here the association helps in an uncomplicated and anonymous way.
Click here for the newspaper article.

The biggest Printe in the world
The probably “largest Printe in the world” was a great success.
The earnings of 5,400 € were donated to the support group “HILFE FÜR KREBSKRANKE KINDER” e.V. Aachen.
It was fresh and delicious: The probably “largest Printe in the world” had a length of about 12.40 meters and a width of about 1.80 meters. The Nobis spiced Printe in the form of a man and a woman finally weighed 350 kilograms. The tasty giant Printe was refined with spices such as cinnamon, coriander, cardamom, allspice and cloves and decorated with almonds and cherries. The baking time for each of the 52 “construction” pieces in the format 1 x 0.60 meters was about 30 minutes.
We support numerous aid organizations, charitable institutions, kindergartens and parishes in Aachen as part of the Nobis initiative.
For example, these:
Nobis-Initiative 2008

We want to share the joy and pleasure of fine baked goods and healthy food with all Aacheners, even the youngest ones. For the company’s 150th anniversary, we supported several selected institutions for children in Aachen.
As part of our 150th company anniversary in 2008, we launched an initiative to support needy institutions for children in the city and district of Aachen with a total of 12,000 €. In addition to the children “just” getting full, the focus was also on communicating the importance of togetherness and healthy eating.
So far, we have supported eleven institutions – and thus around 1,100 children and young people – with amounts of between 500 and 1,500 €. We have gained cooperation partners for two further projects. An independent jury of experts with representatives from the city of Aachen, the church, the media and parents’ representatives decided on the allocation of the funding.

Nobis-Initiative 2009
The Nobis initiative for children entered its second run.
Customers were involved and given a choice when shopping: discount on their next purchase or a donation to the Nobis initiative. Most customers chose to donate. Thus, 8,500€ were collected, which were doubled by Nobis Printen.
In this way, children’s homes in the city and district received a total of €17,000.
Nobis-Initiative 2011
The Nobis initiative for children in Aachen continued.
Once again, customers were involved in the campaign and again had the choice: discount on their next purchase or donation for the Nobis initiative.
Nobis Printen then doubled the amount that was donated.
Eight kindergartens and daycare centers in the city and district of Aachen thus received a total of €7,500.

Nobis-Initiative 2012
The Nobis initiative for children in Aachen continued in 2012. New kitchen furniture, food processors, grain mills, a children’s sideboard, furnishings for a children’s restaurant and outdoor seating found their new purpose in carefully selected facilities in the city region.
The 5,000€ for the preparation of meals was given to a kindergarten, two daycare centers and an elementary school.
Aachen Social 2011
Michael Nobis was awarded on 19.05.2011 in the Coronation Hall of the City Hall on representation of Nobis Printen with the prize “Aachen Sozial” of the family entrepreneurs (ASU) and the young entrepreneurs (BDJ) for his social commitment. He is the fifth recipient of the award, which is awarded with 5,000 €.
This amount was doubled by Nobis Printen and half of it went to the “Armen-Schwestern vom heiligen Franziskus” for the Schervier-Stube and the other half to the Nobis initiative for children in Aachen.

Sandbrötchen in favor of the BrustCentrum
In October 2011, “Sandbrötchen” were sold in all Nobis bakeries to benefit the BrustCentrum Aachen. The pink Sandbrötchen were on sale for €1.20 each. Included in the price was a solidarity pin. All proceeds from the sale then went to the BrustCentrum.
“Aachen macht satt” (“Aachen makes you full”)
“Aachen macht satt” is a social network privately initiated in 2010, an initiative of people from Aachen against child hunger in Aachen.
At the beginning of 2011, we donated the entire sales proceeds for 1,000 “Aachen macht satt” breads to the Kinderschutzbund Aachen for the AGIL project at the Schatzinsel daycare center.

missio -Children with disabilities particularly affected by war
The integration of people with disabilities is a severely neglected issue in war-torn Congo. It is church initiatives that are particularly committed here. Every little chance for education and integration opens up a more fulfilling life for the children.
In order to facilitate the daily supply of the children, the purchase of a diesel-powered corn and manioc mill is planned. Missio has been asked to finance this corn mill. Your donation can be an irreplaceable contribution to this.
breakfast 4 kids e.V.
The non-profit association breakfast 4 kids provides numerous children in Aachen and the surrounding area with a packed lunch. Whenever help is needed and accepted, breakfast 4 kids is there.
We supported breakfast 4 kids with rolls for a school in Aachen.

Aachen Cathedral
Aachen Cathedral is very important to us – not only because of the close proximity. We support the cathedral chapter and the Karlsverein. Thus, we have taken on a sponsorship for the stone statue of Jacobus the Younger, holy patron saint of pastry bakers and confectioners at the Anna and Matthias Chapel and were thus able to secure its sustainable restoration.
Aachener Tafel
Poverty has many faces and is present everywhere. One of the social hotspots in the city of Aachen is the East District. More single parents, unemployed and foreigners live here than in other parts of the city. That is why the Aachener Tafel has opened a store in Goerdeler-Straße. Here, needy citizens can purchase donated foodstuffs for only a small contribution towards costs and thus relieve their household budget. We regularly support the Aachener Tafel with baked goods.

Franziska Schervier Stube
The Franziska-Schervier-Stube is a so-called “low-threshold offer” for people in need. This facility is run by the Sisters of the Poor of St. Franziskus. For decades Nobis Printen has been supporting the Franziska-Schervier-Stube with bread donations for the daily breakfast for people in need.
TABALiNGO Sport & Culture integrativ e.V.
We support TABALiNGO Sport & Kultur integrativ e.V. by providing baked goods.

Bread for Aachen daycare centers
The daycare centers St. Barbara, St. Corpus Christi, Schikita and Clara Fey are regularly provided with bread for a joint breakfast by us.
KOMO Aachen e.V.
The association for the promotion of the reintegration of mentally ill and addicted persons (comorbidly ill) regularly receives baked goods from Nobis for joint breakfasts.